

The textile industry uses water intensively. Manufacturers rinse and clean the various materials and fabrics. The wastewater that remains is highly contaminated and full of grease, oil and paint. Paint, in particular, causes wastewater to remain coloured and full of contamination. The water is full of such chemicals as sulphates. The textile industry generally has its own wastewater purification in order to comply with the standards of the (Dutch) Water Law (previously, the Surface Water Contamination Act) or in order to be permitted to discharge into the sewer. The conditions for that purification depend on the type of fibre and the manufacturing process. So the method of wastewater purification in this sector can differ among companies.


In most cases, it’s quite possible to purify wastewater using membrane technologies. This is a collective term for various techniques by which wastewater is run through an extremely fine filter. The filter keeps out the contaminating substances, such as oil and paint, and some harmful chemicals. In addition, in some cases, we can use biological degradation systems. These systems take organic substances from wastewater and turn them into methane, water or carbon dioxide. These substances can then later be re-used.


The capabilities for purifying wastewater differ for each company in the textile sector. The WAC offers facilities for researching the best method for your company. For example: you can use our membrane equipment and measurement devices. In addition, we have various types of (waste)water, including your own wastewater, for testing and research.